Course Outline
list Items Test Book
ckcode ⌲ chapter-d2-multivariate-comparisons
# this fits the Neighborhood model
Neighborhood_model <- lm(PriceK ~ Neighborhood, data=Smallville)
# this saves the residuals
PriceK_N_resid <- resid(Neighborhood_model)
# square and sum the residuals
# this fits the Neighborhood model
Neighborhood_model <- lm(PriceK ~ Neighborhood, data=Smallville)
# this saves the residuals
PriceK_N_resid <- resid(Neighborhood_model)
# square and sum the residuals
sum(PriceK_N_resid ^ 2)
ex() %>% check_output_expr("sum(PriceK_N_resid ^ 2)")
CK Code: D2_Code_SumSqu_01
# this fits the Neighborhood model
Neighborhood_model <- lm(PriceK ~ Neighborhood, data=Smallville)
# find the ANOVA table
# this fits the Neighborhood model
Neighborhood_model <- lm(PriceK ~ Neighborhood, data=Smallville)
# find the ANOVA table
ex() %>%
check_function("supernova") %>%
check_result() %>%
CK Code: D2_Code_SumSqu_02
# this saves the multivariate model
multi_model <- lm(PriceK~ Neighborhood + HomeSizeK, data = Smallville)
# write code to generate the model comparisons
# this saves the multivariate model
multi_model <- lm(PriceK~ Neighborhood + HomeSizeK, data = Smallville)
# write code to generate the model comparisons
ex() %>%
check_function("generate_models") %>%
check_result() %>%
CK Code: D2_Code_PREF_01
# this fits and saves the neighborhood model
Neighborhood_model <- lm(PriceK~ Neighborhood, data = Smallville)
# write code to save the residuals of the neighborhood model
PriceK_N_resid <-
# this will print a few of these residuals
# this fits and saves the neighborhood model
Neighborhood_model <- lm(PriceK~ Neighborhood, data = Smallville)
# write code to save the residuals of the neighborhood model
PriceK_N_resid <- resid(Neighborhood_model)
# this will print a few of these residuals
ex() %>%
check_object("PriceK_N_resid") %>%
CK Code: D2_Code_Shuffle_01
Neighborhood_model <- lm(PriceK~ Neighborhood, data = Smallville)
# this saves the residuals of the neighborhood model
PriceK_N_resid <- resid(Neighborhood_model)
# write code to fit the multivariate model again, this time
# using residuals from the neighborhood model as the outcome variable
PriceK_N_resid_multi_model <- lm()
# this will print the ANOVA table for this new model
# this saves the residuals of the neighborhood model
PriceK_N_resid <- resid(Neighborhood_model)
# write code to fit the multivariate model again, this time
# using residuals from the neighborhood model as the outcome variable
PriceK_N_resid_multi_model <- lm(PriceK_N_resid ~ Neighborhood + HomeSizeK, data = Smallville)
# this will print the ANOVA table for this new model
ex() %>%
check_object("PriceK_N_resid_multi_model") %>%
CK Code: D2_Code_Shuffle_02
# code to fit neighborhood model and save residuals
Neighborhood_model <- lm(PriceK ~ Neighborhood, data = Smallville)
Smallville$PriceK_N_resids <- resid(Neighborhood_model)
# this code prints sample F for HomeSizeK
f(PriceK_N_resids ~ Neighborhood + HomeSizeK, data = Smallville, predictor = ~HomeSizeK)
# modify the code below to produce the F when residuals are shuffled
f(PriceK_N_resids ~ Neighborhood + HomeSizeK, data = Smallville, predictor = ~HomeSizeK)
# this code prints sample F for HomeSizeK
f(PriceK_N_resids ~ Neighborhood + HomeSizeK, data = Smallville, predictor = ~HomeSizeK)
# modify the code below to produce the F when residuals are shuffled
f(shuffle(PriceK_N_resids) ~ Neighborhood + HomeSizeK, data = Smallville, predictor = ~HomeSizeK)
ex() %>% check_function("f", index = 2) %>% {
check_arg(., 1) %>% check_equal()
check_arg(., "data") %>% check_equal()
check_arg(., "predictor") %>% check_equal()
CK Code: D2_Code_Targeted_01
Neighborhood_model <- lm(PriceK~ Neighborhood, data = Smallville)
Smallville$PriceK_N_resids <- resid(Neighborhood_model)
set.seed(runif(1, min = 1, max = 10000))
# This code generates one shuffled HomeSizeK F
# Modify it to make a sampling distribution of 1000 shuffled Fs
# Save them in a data frame called HomeSizeK_sdof
f(shuffle(PriceK_N_resids) ~ Neighborhood + HomeSizeK, data = Smallville, predictor = ~HomeSizeK)
# This code will put these Fs into a histogram
gf_histogram(~ f, data = HomeSizeK_sdof) %>%
gf_labs(title = "shuffled HomeSizeK Fs")
# This code generates one shuffled HomeSizeK F
# Modify it to make a sampling distribution of 1000 shuffled Fs
# Save them in a data frame called HomeSizeK_sdof
HomeSizeK_sdof <- do(1000) * f(shuffle(PriceK_N_resids) ~ Neighborhood + HomeSizeK, data = Smallville, predictor = ~HomeSizeK)
# This code will put these Fs into a histogram
gf_histogram(~ f, data = HomeSizeK_sdof) %>%
gf_labs(title = "shuffled HomeSizeK Fs")
ex() %>% check_correct(
check_object(., "HomeSizeK_sdof") %>% check_equal(),
check_function(., "do") %>% {
check_arg(., 1) %>% check_equal()
check_operator(., "*")
CK Code: D2_Code_Targeted_02
Neighborhood_model <- lm(PriceK~ Neighborhood, data = Smallville)
Smallville$PriceK_N_resids <- resid(Neighborhood_model)
# This saves the sample HomeSizeK F
HomeSizeK_f <- f(PriceK_N_resids ~ Neighborhood + HomeSizeK, data = Smallville, predictor = ~HomeSizeK)
# This code generates a sampling distribution of shuffled HomeSizeK Fs
HomeSizeK_sdof <- do(1000) * f(shuffle(PriceK_N_resids) ~ Neighborhood + HomeSizeK, data = Smallville, predictor = ~HomeSizeK)
# Paste in the code for tallying the p-value for HomeSizeK
# Modify the code below to generate an ANOVA table from the multivariate model
lm(PriceK ~ Neighborhood + HomeSizeK, data = Smallville)
# This saves the sample HomeSizeK F
HomeSizeK_f <- f(PriceK_N_resids ~ Neighborhood + HomeSizeK, data = Smallville, predictor = ~HomeSizeK)
# This code generates a sampling distribution of shuffled HomeSizeK Fs
HomeSizeK_sdof <- do(1000) * f(shuffle(PriceK_N_resids) ~ Neighborhood + HomeSizeK, data = Smallville, predictor = ~HomeSizeK)
# Paste in the code for tallying the p-value for HomeSizeK
tally(~ f > HomeSizeK_f, data=HomeSizeK_sdof, format="proportion")
# Modify the code below to generate an ANOVA table from the multivariate model
supernova(lm(PriceK ~ Neighborhood + HomeSizeK, data = Smallville))
ex() %>% {
check_function(., "tally") %>%
check_result() %>%
check_function(., "supernova") %>%
check_result() %>%
CK Code: D2_Code_Targeted_03
# code to make ANOVA table for multivariate model
supernova(lm(PriceK ~ HomeSizeK + HasFireplace, data = Smallville))
# add code to get ANOVA tables for each of the two single-predictor models
# code to make ANOVA table for multivariate model
supernova(lm(PriceK ~ HomeSizeK + HasFireplace, data = Smallville))
# add code to get ANOVA tables for each of the two single-predictor models
supernova(lm(PriceK ~ HasFireplace, data = Smallville))
supernova(lm(PriceK ~ HomeSizeK, data = Smallville))
ex() %>% {
check_function(., "supernova", index = 2) %>%
check_result() %>%
check_function(., "supernova", index = 3) %>%
check_result() %>%
CK Code: D2_Code_Deciding_01
# find the best-fitting parameter estimates
# find the best-fitting parameter estimates
lm(tip_percent ~ condition + gender, data = tip_exp)
ex() %>%
check_function("lm") %>%
check_result() %>%
CK Code: D2_Code_Categorical_01
# write code to save this model as multi_model
lm(formula = tip_percent ~ condition + gender, data = tip_exp)
# this makes a faceted jitter plot of our data
# write code to overlay the multi_model onto it
gf_jitter(tip_percent ~ condition, color = ~condition, data = tip_exp, width = .1) %>%
gf_facet_grid(. ~ gender)
# write code to save this model as multi_model
multi_model <- lm(formula = tip_percent ~ condition + gender, data = tip_exp)
# this makes a faceted jitter plot of our data
# write code to overlay the multi_model onto it
gf_jitter(tip_percent ~ condition, color = ~condition, data = tip_exp, width = .1) %>%
gf_facet_grid(. ~ gender) %>%
ex() %>% {
check_object(., "multi_model") %>% check_equal()
check_function(., "gf_model") %>% {
check_arg(., "object") %>% check_equal()
check_arg(., "model") %>% check_equal()
CK Code: D2_Code_Categorical_02
# here is the code to find the best-fitting model
# modify this to generate the ANOVA table for this model
lm(tip_percent ~ condition + gender, data = tip_exp)
# here is the code to find the best-fitting model
# modify this to generate the ANOVA table for this model
supernova(lm(tip_percent ~ condition + gender, data = tip_exp))
ex() %>%
check_output_expr("supernova(lm(tip_percent ~ condition + gender, data = tip_exp))")
CK Code: D2_Code_Error_01
# add the color argument to this scatterplot
gf_point(FEV ~ HEIGHT, data = fevdata)
# add the color argument to this scatterplot
gf_point(FEV ~ HEIGHT, data = fevdata, color = ~AGE)
ex() %>%
check_function("gf_point") %>%
check_arg("color") %>%
CK Code: D2_Code_Multiple_01
# find the best-fitting parameter estimates
# find the best-fitting parameter estimates
lm(FEV ~ HEIGHT + AGE, data = fevdata)
ex() %>%
check_function("lm") %>%
check_result() %>%
CK Code: D2_Code_Multiple_02
# this saves the multivariate model
multi_model <- lm(FEV ~ HEIGHT + AGE, data = fevdata)
# add the multi_model to this plot
gf_point(FEV ~ HEIGHT, data = fevdata, color = ~AGE, alpha = .2)
# this saves the multivariate model
multi_model <- lm(FEV ~ HEIGHT + AGE, data = fevdata)
# add the multi_model to this plot
gf_point(FEV ~ HEIGHT, data = fevdata, color = ~AGE, alpha = .2) %>%
ex() %>%
check_function("gf_model") %>% {
check_arg(., "object") %>% check_equal()
check_arg(., "model") %>% check_equal()
CK Code: D2_Code_Multiple_03
# preload plotly to prevent the startup messages
# this loads plotly
# this saves the predictions of the multivariate model
fevdata$prediction <- predict(lm(FEV ~ HEIGHT + AGE, data = fevdata))
# this makes the 3d plot of model
plot_ly(fevdata, x = ~AGE, y = ~HEIGHT, z = ~prediction, type = "scatter3d", mode = "markers", color = ~AGE, size = 1)
# this loads plotly
# this saves the predictions of the multivariate model
fevdata$prediction <- predict(lm(FEV ~ HEIGHT + AGE, data = fevdata))
# this makes the 3d plot of model
plot_ly(fevdata, x = ~AGE, y = ~HEIGHT, z = ~prediction, type = "scatter3d", mode = "markers", color = ~AGE, size = 1)
ex() %>% check_error()
CK Code: D2_Code_Multiple_04
# saves the multivariate model
multi_model <- lm(FEV ~ HEIGHT + AGE, data = fevdata)
# write code to produce the ANOVA table
# saves the multivariate model
multi_model <- lm(FEV ~ HEIGHT + AGE, data = fevdata)
# write code to produce the ANOVA table
ex() %>%
check_function("supernova") %>%
check_result() %>%
CK Code: D2_Code_Unpacking_01