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list Items Test Book

  • Items Test Book

ckcode ⌲ chapter-x1-exploring-with-R

print("Hello world!") print("Hello world!") ex() %>% check_function("print") %>% check_arg("x") %>% check_equal()
CK Code: X1_Code_Started_01
sum(100, 500, 23) sum(100, 500, 23) ex() %>% check_function("sum") %>% check_arg("...", arg_not_specified_msg = "Make sure you don't delete what's inside the parentheses.") %>% check_equal(incorrect_msg = "Make sure you don't change what's inside the parentheses.")
CK Code: X1_Code_Started_02
# a few basic arithmetic things 5 + 1 10 - 3 2 * 4 9 / 3 # a few basic arithmetic things 5 + 1 10 - 3 2 * 4 9 / 3 ex() %>% { check_operator(., "+") %>% check_result() %>% check_equal() check_operator(., "-") %>% check_result() %>% check_equal() check_operator(., "*") %>% check_result() %>% check_equal() check_operator(., "/") %>% check_result() %>% check_equal() }
CK Code: X1_Code_Started_03
require(coursekata) # type whatever you want # see... blah blah blah # no solution, but need code to show submit button ex() %>% check_code("#", fixed = TRUE)
CK Code: X1_Code_Started_04
# Use the sum() function to add the numbers 5, 10, 15 # Use the print() function to print the word "hello" # Use the sum() function to add the numbers 5, 10, 15 sum(5, 10, 15) # Use the print() function to print the word "hello" print("hello") ex() %>% { check_function(., 'sum') %>% { check_arg(., "...") %>% check_equal() check_result(.) %>% check_equal() } check_function(., 'print') %>% check_result() %>% check_equal() }
CK Code: X1_Code_IntroR_01
# Run the code below by pressing Run # Now debug the code - fix the mistake and press Run # (When you have it correct don't forget to Submit) Sum(1, 2) # Run the code below by pressing Run # Now try debugging the code - fix the mistake press Run again sum(1, 2) ex() %>% check_function('sum') %>% check_result() %>% check_equal()
CK Code: X1_Code_IntroR_02
# This code will assign the number 20 to the R object my_favorite_number my_favorite_number <- 20 # This code prints out my_favorite_number. Notice that you don't need to use the print() function to print the contents of an R object; you can just type the name of the object my_favorite_number # now revise the code to use your actual favorite number # This is an example --- use your favorite number! my_favorite_number <- 17 my_favorite_number ex() %>% { check_object(., "my_favorite_number") check_output_expr(., "my_favorite_number") }
CK Code: X1_Code_Save_01
# Assign 5 to num and 10 to NUM num <- NUM <- # Write the name of the object that contains 10 # This will print out the contents of that object num <- 5 NUM <- 10 NUM msg_undefined <- "Make sure to define both variables: num and NUM." msg_incorrect <- "Make sure you assign the correct value to each variable." msg_not_print <- "Don't forget to print out the object that contains 10." ex() %>% { check_object(., 'num', msg_undefined) %>% check_equal(msg_incorrect) check_object(., 'NUM', msg_undefined) %>% check_equal(msg_incorrect) check_output_expr(., "NUM", missing_msg = msg_not_print) }
CK Code: X1_Code_Save_02
# Here is the code to create two vectors my_vector and my_vector_2. We just made up those names. # Run the code and see what happens my_vector <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) my_vector_2 <- c(10, 10, 10, 10, 10) # Now write some code to print out these two vectors.# Here is the code to create two vectors my_vector and my_vector_2. We just made up those names. # Run the code and see what happens my_vector <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) my_vector_2 <- c(10, 10, 10, 10, 10) # Now write some code to print out these two vectors. my_vector # or print(my_vector) my_vector_2 # or print(my_vector_2) ex() %>% { check_object(., 'my_vector') check_object(., 'my_vector_2') check_output_expr(., "my_vector") check_output_expr(., "my_vector_2") }
CK Code: X1_Code_Save_03
my_vector <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) # write code to multiply each number in my_vector by 100 my_vector <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) # write code to multiply each number in my_vector by 100 my_vector * 100 ex() %>% { check_object(., "my_vector") %>% check_equal() check_operator(., "*") %>% check_result() %>% check_equal() }
CK Code: X1_Code_Save_04
require(coursekata) # This creates my_vector and stores 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in it my_vector <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) # Now write code to save my_vector * 100 back into my_vector my_vector_100 <- # This creates my_vector and stores 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in it my_vector <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) # Now write code to save my_vector * 100 back into my_vector my_vector_100 <- my_vector * 100 ex() %>% { check_operator(., "*") %>% check_result() %>% check_equal() check_object(., "my_vector") %>% check_equal() }
CK Code: X1_Code_Save_05
require(coursekata) my_vector <- c(1,2,3,4,5) my_vector_100 <- my_vector * 100 # Write code to get the 4th value in my_vector my_vector[4] ex() %>% check_output_expr( "my_vector[4]", missing_msg = "Have you used `[4]` to print out the 4th number in `my_vector`?" )
CK Code: X1_Code_Save_06
require(coursekata) my_vector <- c(2, 4, 6, 8) # Use sum() to total up the values in my_vector sum(my_vector) ex() %>% { check_object(., "my_vector") check_function(., "sum", not_called_msg = "don't forget to use the sum() function") %>% check_result() %>% check_equal(incorrect_msg = "did you call sum() on my_vector?") }
CK Code: X1_Code_Save_07
require(coursekata) # Try typing TipExperiment to see what is in the data frame. # Try typing TipExperiment to see what is in the data frame. TipExperiment ex() %>% check_output_expr("TipExperiment")
CK Code: X1_Code_DataFrames_01
require(coursekata) # Run this code to get the first 6 rows of TipExperiment head(TipExperiment) # Run this code to get the first 6 rows of TipExperiment head(TipExperiment) ex() %>% check_function("head") %>% check_result() %>% check_equal()
CK Code: X1_Code_DataFrames_02
require(coursekata) # Use glimpse() to see what’s in TipExperiment # Use glimpse() to see what’s in TipExperiment glimpse(TipExperiment) ex() %>% check_function("glimpse") %>% check_result() %>% check_equal()
CK Code: X1_Code_DataFrames_03
require(coursekata) # Use the $ sign to print out the contents of the Condition variable in the TipExperiment data frame # Use the $ sign to print out the contents of the Condition variable in the TipExperiment data frame TipExperiment$Condition ex() %>% check_output_expr( "TipExperiment$Condition", missing_msg = "Have you used $ to select the Condition variable in TipExperiment?" )
CK Code: X1_Code_DataFrames_04
require(coursekata) # Print out all the rows in which the variable Condition is equal to "Control" # Print out all the rows in which the variable Condition is equal to "Control" TipExperiment[TipExperiment$Condition == "Control", ] ex() %>% check_output_expr( 'TipExperiment[TipExperiment$Condition == "Control", ]', missing_msg = "Check your code -- something didn't match with the solution. A common mistake here is to forget the comma at the end" )
CK Code: X1_Code_DataFrames_05
require(coursekata) # Print out all the rows in which the variable Condition was "Smiley Face" tables and that also tipped less than 20 percent # Print out all the rows in which the variable Condition was "Smiley Face" tables and that also tipped less than 20 percent TipExperiment[TipExperiment$Condition == "Smiley Face" & TipExperiment$Tip < 20, ] ex() %>% check_output_expr( 'TipExperiment[TipExperiment$Condition == "Smiley Face" & TipExperiment$Tip < 20, ]', missing_msg = "Check your code -- something didn't match with the solution. A common mistake here is to forget the comma at the end" )
CK Code: X1_Code_DataFrames_06
require(coursekata) # save TipExperiment, arranged by Tip, back to TipExperiment arrange(TipExperiment, Tip) # write code to print out the first 6 rows of TipExperiment # save TipExperiment, arranged by Tip, back to TipExperiment TipExperiment <- arrange(TipExperiment, Tip) # write code to print out the first 6 rows of TipExperiment head(TipExperiment) no_save <- "Make sure to both `arrange()` `TipExperiment` by `Tip` *and* save the arranged data frame back to `TipExperiment`." ex() %>% { check_object(., "TipExperiment") %>% check_equal(incorrect_msg = no_save) check_function(., "head") %>% check_result() %>% check_equal() }
CK Code: X1_Code_DataFrames_07
require(coursekata) # Use the head() function to look at the first six rows of Ames # Use the head() function to look at the first six rows of head(Ames) ex() %>% check_output_expr( "head(Ames)", missing_msg = "Did you call `head()` with `Ames`?" )
CK Code: X1_Code_VarTypes_01
require(coursekata) # this turns HasCentralAir into a factor Ames$HasCentralAir <- factor(Ames$HasCentralAir) # this code sums up Ames$HasCentralAir sum(Ames$HasCentralAir) # how would we fix this error? (read text below!) # this turns HasCentralAir into a factor Ames$HasCentralAir <- factor(Ames$HasCentralAir) # this turns it back into a numbers Ames$HasCentralAir <- as.numeric(Ames$HasCentralAir) sum(Ames$HasCentralAir) ex() %>% check_function("sum") %>% check_result() %>% check_equal()
CK Code: X1_Code_VarTypes_02
require(coursekata) # Modify this code select(Ames, ...) select(Ames, PriceK, PriceR, Neighborhood) ex() %>% check_output_expr("select(Ames, PriceK, PriceR, Neighborhood)")
CK Code: X1_Code_Selecting_01
require(coursekata) # Modify this code filter() # Modify this code filter(Ames, PriceK > 300) ex() %>% check_output_expr("filter(Ames, PriceK > 300)")
CK Code: X1_Code_Selecting_02
require(coursekata) # Arrange Ames by GarageCars in descending order Ames <- # Use $ to print out the values of GarageCars from Ames # Arrange Ames by GarageCars in descending order Ames <- arrange(Ames, desc(GarageCars)) # Use $ to print out the values of GarageCars from Ames Ames$GarageCars ex() %>% { check_function(.,"arrange") check_function(., "desc") check_object(., "Ames") %>% check_equal() check_output_expr(., "Ames$GarageCars") }
CK Code: X1_Code_Manipulating_01
require(coursekata) Ames <- Ames %>% arrange(desc(GarageCars)) # Modify this to filter for homes where GarageCars does not equal "NA" Ames_subset <- filter(Ames, PriceK > 300) # To check your work, this prints out the variable GarageCars from Ames_subset # Do you see any NAs? Ames_subset$GarageCars # Modify this to filter for homes where GarageCars does not equal "NA" Ames_subset <- filter(Ames, GarageCars != "NA") # To check your work, this prints out the variable GarageCars from Ames_subset # Do you see any NAs? Ames_subset$GarageCars ex() %>% { check_function(., "filter") %>% { check_arg(., ".data") %>% check_equal() check_arg(., "...") %>% check_equal() } check_object(., "Ames_subset") %>% check_equal() check_output_expr(., "Ames_subset$GarageCars", missing_msg = "Make sure to print out GarageCars from the Ames_subset data frame.") }
CK Code: X1_Code_Manipulating_02
require(coursekata) Ames <- Ames %>% arrange(desc(GarageCars)) # try running this code filter(Ames, filter(Ames, ex() %>% { check_function(., "filter") %>% check_arg("...") %>% check_equal() check_output_expr(., "filter(Ames,") }
CK Code: X1_Code_Manipulating_03
require(coursekata) Ames <- coursekata::Ames # try running this BuiltPre1900 <- Ames$YearBuilt < 1900 # take a glimpse at Ames to check if BuildPre1900 is in there # fix the first line of code to put BuildPre1900 in Ames # try running this Ames$BuiltPre1900 <- Ames$YearBuilt < 1900 # take a glimpse at Ames to check if BuildPre1900 is in there glimpse(Ames) # fix the first line of code to put BuildPre1900 in Ames ex() %>% { check_object(., "Ames") %>% check_column("BuiltPre1900") %>% check_equal() check_function(., "glimpse") %>% check_result() %>% check_equal() }
CK Code: X1_Code_Manipulating_04
require(coursekata) # This code creates a variable called BuiltPre1900 Ames$BuiltPre1900 <- Ames$YearBuilt < 1900 # Write code to tally up BuiltPre1900 in Ames in two different ways # This code creates a variable called BuiltPre1900 Ames$BuiltPre1900 <- Ames$YearBuilt < 1900 # Write code to tally up BuiltPre1900 in Ames in two tally(Ames$BuiltPre1900) tally(~BuiltPre1900, data = Ames) ex() %>% check_correct( check_function(., "tally") %>% check_result() %>% check_equal(), { check_error(.) check_function(., "tally") %>% check_arg("x") %>% check_equal(incorrect_msg = "Make sure you are getting `BuiltPre1900` from `Ames` using the `$`.") } )
CK Code: X1_Code_Manipulating_05
require(coursekata) # Save the current year by editing the code below CurrentYear <- 1900 # Write code to create a variable that finds how old the house is # Hint: CurrentYear is not in the Ames data frame so it won’t need Ames$ in front of it Ames$HowOld <- # This will print HowOld from the Ames data frame Ames$HowOld CurrentYear <- as.numeric(format(Sys.Date()[1],'%Y')) Ames$HowOld <- CurrentYear - Ames$YearBuilt ex() %>% check_object("Ames") %>% check_column("HowOld") %>% check_equal()
CK Code: X1_Code_Manipulating_06
require(coursekata) # try running this code gf_histogram(~ PriceK, fill = "darkgray", data = Ames) # try running this code gf_histogram(~ PriceK, fill = "darkgray", data = Ames) ex() %>% { check_function(., "gf_histogram") %>% check_arg("object", arg_not_specified_msg = "Make sure to keep ~PriceK") %>% check_equal() check_function(., "gf_histogram") %>% check_arg("data", arg_not_specified_msg = "Make sure to specify data") %>% check_equal() check_function(., "gf_histogram") %>% check_result() %>% check_equal(incorrect_msg = "For this exercise, make sure not to change the code") }
CK Code: X1_Code_Visualizing_01
require(coursekata) # modify this code for 100 bins gf_histogram(~ PriceK, bins = 30, data = Ames) # modify this code for 100 bins gf_histogram(~ PriceK, bins = 100, data = Ames) ex() %>% check_function("gf_histogram") %>% check_arg("bins") %>% check_equal()
CK Code: X1_Code_Visualizing_02
require(coursekata) # Create a bar graph of GarageType in the Ames data frame. Use the gf_bar() function gf_bar(~ GarageType, data = Ames) ex() %>% check_function("gf_bar") %>% { check_arg(., "data") %>% check_equal(incorrect_msg="Don't forget to set `data = Ames`") check_result(.) %>% check_equal(incorrect_msg = "Did you use `~GarageType`?") }
CK Code: X1_Code_VisualizingCat_01
require(coursekata) # Add arguments color and fill and width to this bar graph gf_bar(~ GarageType, data = Ames) # any values of arguments are acceptable gf_bar(~ GarageType, color = "yellow", fill = "navyblue", width = .4, data = Ames) ex() %>% { check_function(., "gf_bar", index = 1) %>% { check_arg(., "color") check_arg(., "fill") check_arg(., "width") } }
CK Code: X1_Code_VisualizingCat_02
require(coursekata) # change this to a bar chart with proportions # don’t change the fill color gf_bar(~ GarageType, data = Ames, fill = "royalblue") gf_props(~ GarageType, data = Ames, fill = "royalblue") ex() %>% check_function("gf_props") %>% check_result() %>% check_equal()
CK Code: X1_Code_VisualizingCat_03
